Mon-Fri: 8 am-8 pm
Sat: 9 am-6 pm
Sun: Closed

Online Tax Filing

With Local Tax, you file online but it doesn't mean your alone.
Tax pros are here to help all the way until you finish filing your returns.

Taxes filed online
with a tax Pro

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Create an Account

Create a secure account.

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Fill in Your Information

Fill out the simple form with your information.

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Upload Your Tax Documents

Simply Upload all Your Documents and Our Tax Professionals will give you a call once your documents are received.

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Tax Pro Calls You

After receiving and reviewing your returns. Our Tax pro will finish your returns and file it securely. All you need to do is track your refunds.

W2/ Employee

We leave no deduction or credit missed. Every significant life changes can impact your taxes. Leave it to us to give you the maximum refund you deserve.

Independent contractor

Keep more of your earnings by knowing how to maximize you deductions and credits.

Employee with Side hustle

If you are an employee with a side business, we got your back. You'll get the advice and prepare for next years taxes and keep more of your earnings.

Conveniently Drop-Off Your Documents

We'll handle it for you

We understand that you are busy and taxes is not the most appealing task to do on the weekend. Our office is conveniently located in the heart of major freeways, 105, 91, 605 and the 710, so you can drop-off your documents. We’ll call or text you when your returns are ready.

Get in touch with us today at 562.925.2204 for all your tax preparation questions! No obligation consultation all the time.

Sign up for our specials and tax tips

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